Arrow Weapon System

The Arrow system is the world's first operational, national, stand-alone ATBM (Anti Tactical Ballistic Missiles) defense system. Based on the uniquely effective Arrow II and Arrow III interceptors, the Arrow modular air defense system detects, tracks, intercepts and destroys incoming TBMs carrying a range of warheads and over a large footprint, thereby protecting strategic assets and population centers. As the Arrow system's prime contractor, IAI MLM is responsible for the following main aspects:
System Analysis
System Definition
Performance Tradeoffs
Development and Production of the ARROW II missiles, Launch Control Center (LCC) and the ARROW launcher
System Integration

Principal operation features:
Power & Efficiency
Large footprint
Highly lethal against a wide variety of missiles and warheads
Multi-TBM salvo interception.
Highly effective system for multi-tier / long range defense
Early warning, target identification, launch & impact location calculation capabilities.

Flexible & Adaptive
Open architecture enabling integration and interoperability with other national air & missile defense systems.
Modular, scalable,baseline solution.
Flexible management of weapon system resources.
Fully automatic and "man-in-the-loop" battle management options.
Transportable system elements


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