Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) presents the first military system that prevents mid-air collision with civilian aircraft. The first military system that prevents mid-air collision with civilian aircraft.
IAI's Collision Warning System (CWS) enables military pilots to fly safely in both training and operational flights without risk to civilian or military aircraft nearby. Extending the collision-warning functions of IAI's EHUD range-independent air-combat maneuvering instrumentation (ACMI), the CWS system can now monitor non-military platforms and warn of the proximity and risk of collision with commercial aircraft. Monitoring is performed through integration of IFF (Interrogation Friend/Foe) and ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) signals.
The CWS creates an aerial picture and provides a complete air situational picture with warnings visible only to the military pilot - no indications are provided to civilian aircraft. Warnings are provided in three different forms - a voice warning, graphical indication on a tablet panel and via symbols presented on existing cockpit displays (MPD/MFD). The CWS is embedded in existing or new EHUD/ RAIDS/FRP systems, or carried as a stand-alone pod, which requires only a single interface unit, and thus requires only minimal integration into the aircraft.


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