Israel Aerospace Industries Master LVC Training Solution

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) presents LVC (Live Virtual Constructive) training, a significant leap in the performance of modern joint training capabilities for air, ground and naval forces. The use of on-board systems enhances the effectiveness of live training, reduces expenses and helps increase operators' familiarity with the systems.
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) will present its advanced live autonomous training systems at this year's Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), November 28th - December 1st in Orlando, Florida (Booth #1949).
IAI will showcase the unique capabilities of the EHUD AACMI (Autonomous Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Training System) family based program derivatives, including a Helicopter Training and Safety System (HTS), a Naval Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (NCMI) System, and an Air Defense Training System (ADTS).
The 5th generation EHUD AACMI pod with a new set of features that utilize advanced and modern technologies such as new data link (DL) communications, improved security, encryption, and embedded simulations will be on display. The system is a technology enabler for LVC (Live Virtual Constructive) training and provides a significant leap in the performance of modern joint training capabilities for air, ground and naval forces. The use of on-board systems enhances the effectiveness of live training, reduces expenses and helps increase operators' familiarity with the systems. IAI provides an integrated solution that combines live, virtual & constructive capabilities, designed to optimize the balance between live and virtual (simulator) training. IAI provides safe and high-quality training while significantly reducing training costs.
IAI recently delivered its 1000th EHUD system to the Italian Air Force. This is a major milestone for IAI, representing continued success and a high degree of customers' satisfaction.


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