French Military Scorpion Armoured Vehicles program

Ever since the Second World War, France has built its armored vehicles light and fast. The AMX-30 Main Battle Tanks had the same roots as the German Leopard 1, both highly mobile at the expense of protection. Another example is the French AMX-13, one of the most common and successful post-war light tanks in the world.
This approach naturally influenced the wheeled vehicle development as well, with excellent vehicles like the ERC 90 Sagaie or AMX 10 RC being produced over the last four decades. It is therefore only natural that the French military is keen on continuing the tradition of highly mobile armored forces. On the other hand, the age of the abovementioned vehicles is starting to show, which is why a new program was initiated to replace them with modern designs. This program is called Scorpion.
The Scorpion program is based on the French Ministry of Defense’s plan to create a new family of highly mobile light vehicles, capable of rapid response and deployment to various parts of the world, and of participating in both low and high intensity conflicts. This family is intended to not only consist of armored personnel carriers, but also of fire support vehicles, capable of dealing even with advanced enemy armor.
The financing for this program is quite generous, with the Ministry of Defense planning to spend 5 billion Euros until 2025 for vehicle development and construction (with another 5 billion planned for the following decade). To compare this amount to other countries, Great Britain plans to spend 4.4 billion Euros (3.5 billion GBP) for its 589 new Ajax IFVs.
he lead development group of the program is GME (Groupement Momentané d'Entreprises), which consists of three major French companies: Nexter, Renault Trucks Defense (RTD) and Thales. Nexter and RTD are responsible for the chassis and weapons systems while Thales is developing electronics, sensors and communications.
There are two main vehicle groups in the program:
EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat), a wheeled recon and fire support vehicle
VBMR (Véhicule Blindé Multi-Role), a wheeled multi-purpose vehicle


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