Singapore Technologies Marine (ST Marine)

Singapore Technologies Marine (ST Marine) is a premier shipyard providing turnkey shipbuilding, ship conversion and shiprepair services to a worldwide customer base in the naval and commercial markets.
Over 40 years, it has established itself as a supplier of high quality, sophisticated products and services. Its ship design capabilities, supported by 3D modeling and CAD/CAM systems, provide an edge when it comes to customising innovative solutions to customers' exacting operational requirements.
ST Marine offers modern facilities with a combined area of 18.8 hectares, equipped to construct vessels up to 30,000 dwt, and to service up to frigate-sized warships and 70,000 dwt panamax-sized commercial vessels.
ST Marine's presence in the global newbuilding market, particularly in the Americas, is complemented by VT Halter Marine, the US arm of its operations based in Pasagoula, Mississippi.


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